MFA Program Deadlines Checklist: Students, please add these to your calendar!
Deadlines for Spring 2025
March 1, 2025: Deadline to apply for graduation on Hokie Spa
May 11, 2025: Last Day to defend for MFA students
April 6, 2025: Your Annual Review form is due to your advisor electronically
By April 15, 2025: advisors put completed Annual Review form (hard copy) in advisees’ boxes or send via email; advisees sign these and bring them to Marie Trimmer in 310 Shanks Hall (or put them in her mailbox #113)
April 15, 2025: Your Plan of Study form, with signatures, is due to Marie Trimmer, Graduate Program Coordinator
Emily Morrison Prize for Fiction: This prize is provided through the generosity of the Morrison family. The annual prize is awarded to a student enrolled in the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Virginia Tech, and will be judged by a writer who is not a part of the Virginia Tech faculty. Entries are due March 15th. Click here for full submission guidelines.
Emily Morrison Prize for Poetry: This prize is provided through the generosity of the Morrison family. The annual prize is awarded to a student enrolled in the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Virginia Tech, and will be judged by a writer who is not a part of the Virginia Tech faculty. Click here for full submission guidelines.
Fill out the MFA Travel Approval Spreadsheet (shared via email) by Sept 16 (for fall travel) or Jan 15 (for spring travel)
Submit the TRAVEL APPROVAL FORM to Sandra Ross at least 4 weeks BEFORE you travel (and please use GSA rates for per diems)
Submit the TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT FORM to Sandra Ross within 2 weeks of returning–and never later than June 1